accelerating math exponentially Elsie Arnzen, State Superintendent, OPI Logo

SPRING 2024, Vol. 4

APR. 2024

Published by: Montana Office of Public Instruction Mathematics Instructional Coordinator - Katrina Engeldrum

MT Math Minute

"Learn More" button linking to OPI Math Standards Website.

FEATURE PIECE: New Mathematics Standards K-12

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The Montana Mathematics Content Standards are currently under revision. To learn how to access the current drafted proposals for the Board of Public Education’s consideration, as well as how to participate in the Economic Impact Survey, please watch this 10 minute video.

"Learn More" button linking to OPI Math Standards Website.
"Learn More" button linking to OPI Math Standards Website.
"Learn More" button linking to OPI Math Standards Website.
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Which One Doesn’t Belong?

The Which One Doesn’t Belong website, inspired by the book “Which One Doesn’t Belong?: A Shapes Book” by Christopher Danielson, contains a plethora of activities you can use in your classroom daily.

Try using these activities as a quick 2-minute entrance ticket, or, have students engage in group discussion activities or classroom debates. This is a K-12 resource, capable of being adapted to all grade levels and student abilities.

Your students will enjoy making a case for why each image may not belong. In addition to promoting mathematical thinking, this builds classroom community, allowing your students to hear how their peers think differently in a low-stakes context.

"Learn More" button linking to OPI Math Standards Website.


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Now free for all Montana K-12 teachers and students! Materials include:

  • Activities
  • Videos
  • Interactive Games
  • Lessons
  • And More!
Button: "Learn More" will take you to the Discovery Education microsite.

Helps build coding and computer programming skills in students. This program is:

  • Free
  • Available for Elementary, Middle, and High School Educators and Students.
  • Game-Based and Project Based.
Button: "learn more" will connect to Montana Ed Ready Resource

Erikson Institute

Early Learner and Elementary School Resource!

This resource presents a list of children’s books, PK-3rd Grade, that are organized by mathematical concepts. Each book highlight comes with pre-created activities for classroom and home use. Engage your students and their families through these fantastic materials.

Button: "Learn More" about IEFA math resources.
a blue and green logo with the letter d Dreambox Logo



A tool for teachers to:

  • Assign and build interactive activities for their students.
  • Allow students to learn through discovery.
  • See timely data on student success and support needs.
  • Access continual professional development through DreamBox University.
Button: "Learn More" will take you to the Discovery Education microsite.


Teacher Learning Hub Offerings:

Addition and Subtraction Strategies (5 PDUs)

But What About Fact Fluency (2 PDUs)

Indian Ed & Math Seamless Integration (2 PDUs)

Mathematical Practices (K-8) (3 PDUs)

Multiplication Strategies of Basic Facts (4 PDUs)

Multiplication Strategies: Multi-Digit Numbers (5 PDUs)

Playing with Pythagoras (4 PDUs)

Problem Solving: Bring Your Classroom Alive! (3 PDUs)

The Hub offerings are free and self-guided. While each training can be applied towards licensure renewal, we encourage you to check with your district administrator or collective bargaining agreement to verify these meet district requirements for PIR.

Button: Learn more about the Teacher Learning Hub or sign up for online learning.

Upcoming Events:

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Professional Development F.A.Q

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How do I become a provider?

Button: Learn more about becoming an approved provider.

What if the host is not an approved provider?

Button: "Learn More" about becoming an approved provider in Montana

How do I check if an event host is an approved provider?

Button: "Learn More" about checking if an event is hosted by an approved provider.

How can I request math Professional Development from OPI?

Button: "Learn more" about requesting math PD

Need Additional Support?

Contact our Math Instructional Coordinator: Katrina Engeldrum

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Button: "Email" Katrina Engeldrum - Math Instructional Coordinator

Contact a Member of the OPI Special Education Team

the logo for special education in Montana
Button: "Contact Information" for Special Education team.

Contact a Member of the OPI Indian Education For All Team:

Need support from our other content specialists?

Michelle McCarthy - Science

Button: "Email" Michelle McCarthy - Science content specialist

Stephanie Swigart - ELA

Button: "Email" Stephanie Swigart - ELA content specialist
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Thanks for


Want to be featured in future volumes?

OPI would love to feature those educators making innovative strides in mathematics education. If you would like to see a teacher, math department, school, or district honored for their great work, please fill out our feature request form.

Button: "Feature Request Form". Please click if you would like to be featured.

Looking for Previous Editions of the Montana Math Minute?


Button: January Montana Math Minute
Button: January Montana Math Minute


Button: January Montana Math Minute

Upcoming Editions Featured Content:

Discovery Education/DreamBox Feature

Teaching Practices Features

Mathematics Literacy

IEFA Resources

Math Practices